Monday, October 25, 2010

Between Barack and a Hard Place by Tim Wise

Tim Wise, the author of “Between Barack and a Hard Place,” talks about how racism is still very much in the world today. He says that a person of color may not be thought of the same way as a white person because they might not have come from a prestigious university. They may be in fact qualified for a job but might not get it because of their skin color. They may be as smart and capable of working a job but their skin color may interfere with them getting the job. The Brown vs. Board of Education trial was done to stop segregation of people of color. Wise is saying that even though this trial helped, there is still racism.
Something I thought was interesting was how Wise said that a white male who was mediocre was more likely to get the job to that of an outstanding black male. They said how George Bush was a “buffoon” but yet he was still the president of the United States. They also talk about how if George Bush had been a black male then he would not have received the job. What does not make sense is why color matters and why being white would make someone more qualified for a job. 

This video relates to the other videos and is by Tim Wise called, "The Pathology of White Privilege." This video is part one but there are 5 other parts that go along with it.

In class I would like to talk more about what Tim Wise said and what everyone thinks about it.


  1. I like your blog and enjoyed your points, i also like how you mention that Bush was a "buffoon".

  2. I also noticed the medicore thing and agree that it shouldn't matter. Although ther is the whole idea of us living in "a white world."

  3. i completely agree with the mediocre statements wise brought up, but unfortunetly it does matter, because george bust is a perfect example at mediocricy at it's best, and it is true that he would not have even been considered as a canidate if he had been anyother race.
