Sunday, October 17, 2010

In the Service of What? The Politics of Service Learning by Joseph Kahne and joel Westheimer (Quotes)

"Educators and legislators alike maintain that service learning can improve the community and invigorate the classroom, providing rich educational experiences for students at all levels of schooling".
I really liked this quote and thought it was important. I think that service learning is important for both people who are experiencing it. The person who is going in and helping will leave with something while the other person who is receiving the help or guidance will also learn something or get what they need. I think by doing a service learning project, everyone gets something out of it. Even if you are helping someone, they are also helping you by giving you an experience you probably have never experienced and you learn something new.
“The experiential and interpersonal components of service learning activities can achieve the first crucial step toward diminishing the sense of “otherness” that often separates students-particularly privileged students- from those in need. In so doing, the potential to develop caring relationships is created.”
I think this quote is very important. Service learning activities bring people together who may be different from one another.  By doing this the different groups of people may not feel separated from one another and will have something in common. I think it is also good that a person who is different from another person helps them because you will learn about them as well.
“If we focus on the “numerous values we share as a community,” writes Amitai Etzioni, the founder of the communitarian movement and a proponent of service learn-ing, “our world would be radically improved.”
I agree with what Etzioni is saying. I think that every person has something different to offer then someone else. By doing a service learning activity you are able to learn something new no matter if you are the person helping or the person getting the help.  
In class I would like to talk about more service learning and the different kinds, such as for charity and change.


  1. Good job identifying key points through your quotes!

  2. I like all you quotes and especailly the last one. I think it really connect to our service learning project as well.
